Álvaro Valverde Blanco
Software engineering student
👋 Hi, I'm Álvaro Valverde, a Software Engineering student based in Madrid. I'm currently doing an internship at Elecnor Deimos, an exciting experience where I apply and expand my knowledge in the world of technological development.

AlienAI Chat
AI chatbot website built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, LangChain with TypeScript and Chroma as vector database. It implements a RAG architecture tailored for a fictitious company named AlienAI S.L.. The chatbot provides answers from the company's knowledge archive, accompanied by referenced source documents.

Real-Time Chat
Real-time chat web using Node.js, Express, and Socket.io on the backend, Next.js with Tailwind CSS on the frontend and integrating Prisma ORM with PostgreSQL as database. This project enables instant messaging and supports features such as chat rooms.